Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Meet the Players

Here is a quick rundown of our family. In a half-hearted attempt at privacy, I only use nicknames or initials for the kids online, so if you have a burning desire to know their full names, email me.

First off is the hubby. We'll call him... T-bone. He is a computer guy.

Then there is me. I am a stay-at-home mom, part-time photographer, part-time Heritage Makers consultant, part-time lots of other things and also currently the children's music leader at church.

Our oldest is J - he is 10 and in the 5th grade. A voracious reader and a big fan of Star Wars and the Muppets.

Next is N - he turned 8 yesterday and is in 2nd grade. Loves military stuff, Star Wars, and Legos.

The youngest boy is E - he is 4 and has one more year of preschool before kindergarten. He is a lovable goof and loves anything his older brothers love, including...

V - our non-boy. She is creeping up on 10 months. Creeping, crawling, standing, and taking wobbly steps are some of her current hobbies.

Good. So now you know who we are. Maybe for the next post I'll throw in some pictures.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Welcome to Butlerama

All right, all right, already...
We are going to have a family blog.
All about the Butlers...
All the Butler news that's fit to print...
Welcome to Butlerama.

Don't expect too much from me, for as most of you know, I am a clicker, not a typer.  Writing with regularity has never been my strong point.  But if I can post pictures and give updates from time to time (and learn the ins and outs of editing a blog), my goal will be met.