Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photo Momento Live!

As some of you know, I recently went legit with my photography and created the business Photo Momento Photography. (Strange name, I know, but so are Google and eBay, right?) I wanted to introduce everyone to my photography website: www.PhotoMomento.org. It is still a work in progress, but I am happy with how it looks so far. Feel free to add a link to it on your blogs and whatnot. (And let me know if you see any typos - I hate typos!) I'm not actively looking to drum up business right now, because I have as much as I can handle through word of mouth and my "regulars," but I wanted to create the website as a step into the professional world and to show off the beautiful families I have been able to work with, most of whom will look familiar to most of you! A big Thank You to everyone who has supported me in this hobby gone wild over the last couple of years. Enjoy looking!


  1. Congratulations! I think the website looks great! I like the baby pictures--they're the funnest! We would like to make a trip to Yuma this summer, but with none of the grandparents in town we probably won't make it this year. When mom and dad move to Cali we'll definitely make a visit next summer and we can book you for some photos!

  2. The web site is wonderful. I want to have family photos done this year so I hope you will put me on the list.

  3. Nice photos and really good website! I'm glad you have gone legit.

  4. I think this is super-cool that you are doing this!
